Margaret Greene Mejicano, MS
Licensed Professional Counselor
Certified Spiritual Director
I will walk with you as you stretch the edges of your comfort zone, untangle old patterns of relating that no longer serve your wellbeing, and celebrate the discovery and living of your inner truth.
Therapy clears blockages to authentic living, helps navigate relationship to yourself and others, and addresses patterns of emotion or thinking that no longer serve. Spiritual Direction supports a relationship with something greater while also deepening life's meaning and purpose. They are intertwined and unique to each individual.
"We are each born with a uniqueness that is our individuality. If we exchange that uniqueness for a mask of any kind, we will not fully realize our purpose on this earth: it is within that part of ourselves where we are truly free."
Dianne Mize, artist
Spiritual .... Creative .... Alive
cultivate courage
build resilience
trust the process
gentle your self talk
free your creative voice
invite curiosity
access your body's wisdom
express your truth
heal old wounds
cultivate ease in your body
release the shoulds
shine your radiant light